



V2 Services

There is no typical case for which V2 services are provided. Many of the youth have endured emotional and psychological trauma, and most have few options for living arrangements once they are discharged from care. V2, in collaboration with public and private organizations, assists youth in identifying and developing support systems and housing for when they leave care.  The V2 Independent Living Program gives these youths skills and training, but most of all, it helps them realize that there are options.

The V2 Independent Living Program is the provision of training to assist youth in developing skills necessary to function as an adult.  V2 has partnered with community organizations to provide this training.  Information and guidance for other acceptable methods to complete the Independent Living Program can be discussed on a case by case basis with intake staff.  Youth with disabilities may require accommodations to participate in and complete both the assessment and the training. In all cases, training must cover the following areas:

  • Health and Safety
  • Housing and Transportation
  • Job Readiness
  • Financial Management
  • Life Decisions/Responsibility
  • Personal/Social Relationships